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Emergency Withdrawal

About Emergency Withdrawal

If a non-academic emergency prevents a student from completing their coursework (e.g., severe medical problems, traumatic events) and when the timing or nature of the emergency prevents them from voluntarily withdrawing from their classes, they may request an Emergency Withdrawal. This guideline provides information for the student to submit the request and also provides information on the process.

Emergency Withdrawals are subject to the following restrictions:

  • A student must initiate an application for an Emergency Withdrawal no later than one academic year after the semester in which the courses were taken.
  • A student may be granted an Emergency Withdrawal for a maximum of two non-consecutive semesters of their enrollment at ABAC.
  • A student may not request an Emergency Withdrawal after degree conferral.
  • An Emergency Withdrawal usually applies to all courses for the semester, but in exceptional cases, an Emergency Withdrawal may be granted for some but not all of the courses. The request for a partial emergency withdrawal will need to be justified at the time of application.

Emergency Occurred Before the Midpoint or Last Day to Withdraw

A student is expected to voluntarily withdraw from their classes if an emergency occurs prior to the midpoint of the semester, regardless of the reason for the withdrawal (see Full Withdrawal). Whether or not a student had the ability to withdraw from classes before the semester midpoint is considered in determining the approval of an Emergency Withdrawal request. A student who lives on campus should apply for an Emergency Withdrawal to deem if a breach of contract is applicable.


Emergency withdrawals are reviewed monthly by the ABAC CARE Team. A student is responsible for reading and understanding the Emergency Withdrawal Policy before submitting an application. The steps for submitting an Emergency Withdrawal Application are as follows:

  • Complete the online application
  • Include a personal statement explaining the emergency
  • Include supporting documentation.

Applications with missing information will not be reviewed.

Online Application button for Emergency Withdrawal

Personal Statement of Emergency

Type and sign a personal statement of emergency. The following questions should be answered in the personal statement of emergency:

  • What is the nature of the emergency?
  • On which date(s) did the emergency occur?
  • How did the emergency prevent you from completing coursework?
  • How did the timing or nature of the emergency prevent you from voluntarily withdrawing from classes?

Application Deadlines

  • Requesting to withdraw from the current semester. Completed application packets must be submitted before the start of the next semester. Applications are reviewed on a monthly basis by the CARE Team.
  • Requesting to withdraw from a past semester. Completed application packets must be submitted on or before the third Friday of the month to be reviewed at the CARE Team’s monthly meeting. The actual committee meetings are not held on the deadline date.

Please note: A student must initiate an application for Emergency Withdrawal no later than one academic year after the semester in which the courses were taken.

Required Documentation

A student should submit official documentation that confirms the emergency that occurred during the semester(s) for which they are requesting a withdrawal and supports their personal statement of emergency. Examples of Emergency Withdrawal documentation include:

  • Typed correspondence on office letterhead from a licensed healthcare professional (i.e., physician, psychologist, psychiatrist). The letter should include the date(s) of the emergency, a statement of how the illness or injury interfered with the completion of coursework, and the name, title, and phone number of the office representative who can verify the authenticity of the letter.
  • Official or notarized forms, documents, or correspondence from a state agency, a governmental entity, or a reputable business.
  • Death certificate, funeral program, or obituary with the deceased name, date of death, and funeral home contact information.
  • A letter from an employer or supervisor on company letterhead stating mandatory job change(s) and date(s) of the change(s). The letter should include the name, title, and phone number of the company representative who can verify the authenticity of the letter, preferably a human resource professional.

All documentation is subject to verification by the CARE Team. A student who submits fake documentation or misrepresented information will be referred for a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, and their request will be denied.

Can I apply for a partial withdrawal?

An Emergency Withdrawal typically applies to all courses for the semester, but in exceptional cases, an Emergency Withdrawal may be granted for some but not all of the courses. To have a request for a partial withdrawal considered, a student must clearly explain and demonstrate through documentation how and why the non-academic emergency impacted only a portion of their coursework.

Is it guaranteed that my Emergency withdrawal will be approved?

There is no guarantee that an Emergency Withdrawal request will be granted. Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must be supported by documentation to be considered for approval.

When will I receive a decision?

Decision letters are sent via email to the ABAC email address. In cases where the ABAC email address is no longer active, a decision letter is mailed to the postal address listed on the application form. A decision letter will be sent approximately two business days after the monthly CARE Team meeting.

How will my financial aid or account balance be impacted?

An Emergency Withdrawal is not intended to clear or decrease a student’s account balance, entitle the student to receive a refund, or cancel their obligation to repay tuition and fees and awarded financial aid for the semester in which the student receives a withdrawal. A student requesting an Emergency Withdrawal should consult with Student Accounts and Financial Aid to identify the impact of a Withdrawal on their student account or eligibility to receive financial aid in subsequent semesters.

What will happen to my grades?

A student who was passing will be awarded a grade of W for each course. Students who were not passing must clearly explain and demonstrate through documentation how and why the non-academic emergency impacted their academic performance to receive a grade of W for each course.

Should I take my finals?

The Emergency Withdrawal Policy does not specify if a student should take final exams. However, the Emergency Withdrawal Policy states, in part, that a student may request an Emergency Withdrawal when a non-academic emergency occurs, which prevents them from completing their coursework.

Will my application be kept confidential or private?

The decision on requests is shared with the Registrar and the instructors for processing purposes. The nature of the emergency will be disclosed as medical when it applies. The personal statement and documentation will not be shared outside of the CARE Team unless the student gives permission or the student poses an immediate threat to themselves or others (this includes, but is not limited to, family, friends, or college officials).