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Student Complaint Procedures

ABAC recognizes the importance of providing procedures for fair and equitable resolution of student complaints. Resolution of complaints should be achieved at the lowest administrative level and in the most equitable way possible. The burden of proof rests with the student who submits a complaint. Students who elect the complaint process should not fear prejudice or reprisal for initiating the process or participating in its resolution.

Student Studying at Table Outside

For these purposes, a complaint is defined as dissatisfaction or disagreement with any decision or action that affects ABAC students. However, a complaint may not be filed in relation to administrative decisions regarding the routine operation of the College, including but not limited to the scheduling of classes, tuition, and fee assessments, financial aid awards, reservation of facilities, or the policies of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. There is a separate process for the appeal of grades, reinstatement of financial aid, academic exclusion, and matters which pertain to the Student Code of Conduct. Complaints covered by policies already in place (e.g., Student employment, grade appeals, sexual harassment, discrimination, student conduct, etc.) are excluded from these guidelines.


  • A student who has a complaint should first seek to resolve the problem by discussion with the individual involved. If this informal means of communication fails to resolve the issue, the student should submit a written complaint using the Student Complaint Form (click here).


  • The complaint process will follow the chain of command of the department/office in question until a resolution is found.


  • If a resolution cannot be reached at the institutional level, complaints can be sent to the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.


  • Distance education students’ complaints that are not satisfactorily resolved at the institutional level may file a grievance with GA-SARA (click here).


  • The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (USG) has established a System-level Ethics and Compliance Program. One of the primary functions of the program is to conduct compliance investigations and reviews as needed to discharge an effective compliance program. Students may anonymously report complaints via an Ethics Hotline and USG provides Ethics and Compliance Reporting Contacts for all institutions. ABAC’s Ethics Hotline may be accessed from the bottom footer of this page by clicking on ‘Ethics & Compliance Hotline.’

Ethics and Compliance Reporting Contacts

Below is the link to the USG Ethics and Compliance Reporting Contacts list for each Institution.