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Office of Human Resources

Programs Serving Minors

What is the purpose of the Board Policy for Programs Serving Minors?

USG institutions offer a variety of athletic camps, science camps, clinics, after-school programs, enrichment classes and activities which service non-student minors through both campus and virtual learning programs. These activities are more abundant during the summer when school is not in session. These programs and activities are of great educational value and serve to benefit both the institution and the larger community. These programs and activities provide institutions with the opportunity to challenge, educate and mentor young people and to introduce them to their campus in a positive and meaningful way.

The safety and well-being of these visitors to our campus is of the highest concern. The USG is committed to best practices that will provide a safe and healthy environment for all who participate, volunteer or work in these activities.

What types of programs are covered under this policy?

This policy applies to academic camps, athletic camps, after-school programs, workshops, licensed child-care facilities, conferences, and similar activities which involve the custody and care of non-student minors which are conducted, hosted or sponsored by any USG institution. This includes any virtual programming being offered by the host USG institution. Program Directors are responsible for program oversight, coordination and insuring compliance with USG and ABAC procedures and policies.

Third party facility rentals must also comply with USG’s Program Serving Minors policy.

Do school field trips, private events, and events open to the general public fall under the policy?

No, non-residential field trips to a campus which are supervised by a minor’s school or organization and do not involve overnight lodging are not covered by the policy. It is expected that institutions will further define which contacts with non-student minors are not covered and that certain activities such as the following may reasonably be excluded.

  • Services provided by the institution’s health clinic;
  • Events or performances on campus that are open to the general public and which minors attend at the sole discretion of their parents or guardians;
  • Private or personal events that occur on campus to include weddings, birthday parties, etc.
  • Student-admissions processes such as open houses, admissions visits, and admission tours. Even though not covered by the Programs Serving Minors policy, each institution should take appropriate steps to address risks associated with these activities.
Who is subject to the pre-screening and training requirements of the policy?

All employees, students, and volunteers who work in programs serving non-student minors and who have direct contact or interaction with minor program participants.

I am planning a program for minors event. What do I need to do?

Any program serving minors, including virtual programming, must be approved and registered per USG policy. Program Directors (those organizing such events) are responsible for reading and following ABAC’s Minors on Campus (MOC) Institutional Procedures, completing the program registration form, requesting background checks on all staff/volunteers working with minors, training of staff/volunteers, and maintaining all staff, volunteer, and participant records.

Keep in Mind

  • Program registration must begin no later than 60 days prior to the program date.
  • All staff/volunteers must be screened and have a background check prior to program date.
  • All internal and external volunteers are required to complete the volunteer program registration process.
  • All staff/volunteers with direct contact of participating minors must complete a mandatory online training, Protecting Youth. This training will be assigned by the Minors on Campus (MOC) Coordinator.
    • All staff/volunteers working with minors are considered mandatory reporters under Georgia law (O.C.G.A. § 19-7-5) and must report suspected child abuse to the appropriate authorities. The Protecting Youth training reviews how to identify abuse and general protocols.
  • All staff/volunteers must be trained annually by the Program Director in program/event specific information, including but not limited to roles and responsibilities, emergency procedures, and response protocols.
  • A Facility Use Agreement must also be completed, when using any ABAC facility. Contact Amanda Dow at or 229.391.5202, with questions.

Steps to Registering a Minors on Campus (MOC) Program

  1. Unsure if your event falls under the Programs Serving Minors Policy? Contact ABAC MOC Coordinator.
  2. Read through ABAC’s MOC Institutional Procedures.
  3. Use the MOC Program Director’s Checklist to assist in planning your event. The checklist is not all inclusive; however, it is a guide to help ensure policy compliance.
  4. Complete the MOC Program Application no less than 60 days from event date. List any staff or volunteers who will have direct contact with participating minors who need background checks and/or assigned the mandatory online training, Protecting Youth.
    1. Human Resources will initiate background checks. The MOC Coordinator will assign the online training once the background checks are cleared. Background checks are required yearly for external volunteers and every three years for current ABAC staff.
  5. Staff, Volunteer, and Participant forms are provided below for Program Directors to ensure policy compliance. Refer to Program Director training information to identify mandatory compliance forms.
  6. Maintain records and documentation of staff/volunteers training and participant forms. USG Records Retention Schedule states that:
    1. Child and youth records must be maintained for three years after the minor turns 18 years old,
    2. Staff/volunteer records must be maintained for five years after the event.
  7. Have fun during the event! If any incidents occur, follow the appropriate response protocols in ABAC’S Emergency Quick Reference Guide.
  8. After the MOC program, complete the MOC Post Program Summary and email the form to the MOC Coordinator.
MOC Records Retention - Compliance

Minors on Campus – Records Retention Policy (Primary Responsibility – Program Directors)

  • All records should be retained in accordance with Board of Regents policies on record retention.  Copies of all required forms and documentation pertaining to Minors should be retained for a period of three (3) years after the Minor reaches the age of eighteen (18). Records pertaining to Program/Activity Staff should be retained for five (5) years.
  • Records for ABAC sponsored programs should be maintained by ABAC program leaders.
  • Records for third party programs should be maintained by third party program leaders.


Contact the Minors on Campus (MOC) Coordinator, Richard Spancake, at or 391-4887.

Visit USG’s Program Serving Minors FAQ site.