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Forest Lakes Golf Club Code of Conduct

Forest Lakes Golf Club takes great pride in the quality of its customers, visitors, staff, and golf facilities. This Code of Conduct is intended to ensure a safe, friendly, and respectful place for customers, visitors, and staff to gather in the spirit of cooperation, goodwill, fun, and friendly competition. It is not intended to restrict the rights of anyone but rather to ensure that everyone can expect to be treated with respect while enjoying the Forest Lakes Golf Club course and clubhouse. The club deems that upon payment of membership, cart, merchandise, or green fees, all members and guests have consented to be bound by the restrictions and penalties imposed by this code of conduct.

This Code of Conduct gives examples of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Please note that the privilege of any individual to utilize Forest Lakes Golf Club may be denied, suspended, or terminated if it is determined to be in the best interest of Forest Lakes Golf Club. Any individual or party whose conduct disrupts the facility’s operation or creates a disturbance to the detriment of the operation, staff, customers, or visitors of the facility will be asked to leave the facility immediately by staff and may be subject to additional administrative or legal action.

All golfers and visitors at Forest Lakes Golf Club are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that:


  • The Rules of Golf adopted by the USGA and the Rules of Etiquette adopted by the USGA shall be the rules of the Forest Lakes Golf Club, except where local rules apply.
  • All players must have their own set of clubs.
  • “Cutting-in” is not permitted at any time. All players must check in with the starter or pro shop staff. Under no circumstances are players permitted to start play under their own volition. Disciplinary action may be taken against any player who violates this policy.
  • Speed of play: The goal of all players should be to complete their round in no more than 2 hours for 9 holes and 4 hours for 18 holes. This amount of time is more than adequate provided all players remain aware of the rights of others to play without delay. It is the responsibility of each group to keep pace with the group ahead. Each group’s responsibility is to be observant of its position on the course and keep pace. It is also the responsibility of all groups to freely advise less observant groups if they adversely affect the pace of play.
  • All players who stop after playing nine holes for any reason must occupy the next tee before the following players arrive at the tee, or they shall lose their position on the golf course and must get permission from the starter or pro shop staff to resume play.
  • Forest Lakes Golf Club staff will make every effort to help guests find lost property but is not responsible for personal property that is lost, stolen, or left at the facility.
  • Enter and leave bunkers at their shallowest point of access. Never walk up or down steep bunker faces when entering or leaving a bunker. Smooth sand over with a rake upon leaving. Please leave rakes outside the perimeter of the bunker, away from the most likely lines of play.
  • Repair all ball marks on the green.
  • Before starting hole one, make sure to fill your sand bottle.
  • Repair all divots with the provided sand you picked up at hole one.
  • Searching for balls other than those played by players of your groups is not allowed on the courses at any time.
  • If lightning is in the area, golfers are responsible for their own safety.
  • Jogging, walking, or biking on the cart paths is prohibited at all times.
  • Any vehicles other than Forest Lakes Golf Club vehicles are not allowed on the course at any time.
  • No beverage coolers are permitted on the courses unless provided by the Course.
  • No glass bottled beverages are allowed on the course at any time.
  • Twosomes may play at the discretion of the pro shop. Twosomes should not expect to play through foursomes and should not exert any pressure on the groups ahead. Foursomes always have the right of way.
  • Twosomes and singles shall be grouped with other players, if available, at the discretion of the pro shop.
  • Twosomes and singles have no priority on the golf course in relation to the pace of play and shall be permitted to play only at the discretion of the pro shop.
  • Groups of five or more players shall not be permitted on the golf course at any time.
  • Cell phones are permitted on the golf course provided that the ringer is set to silent mode for respect of other players.



  • Golf carts may only be operated by persons at least sixteen years of age and have a valid automobile driver’s license and auto insurance.
  • Only two persons and two sets of golf clubs are permitted per golf cart.
  • Obey all golf cart traffic and daily conditions signs.
  • Golf carts are prohibited from entering hazards, bunkers, and native grass.
  • Each player accepts and assumes all responsibility for liability connected with the operation of the golf cart.



  • Create an environment and culture that reflects the personal integrity and respect documented in the Rules of Golf, which states that we are capable of enforcing rules upon ourselves with honesty, integrity, and good sportsmanship. The same integrity, honesty, and goodwill are expected whether on the golf course, in the clubhouse, or present on any other portion of the property.
  • Free of discrimination or harassing behavior toward fellow golfers, visitors, or staff.
  • Forest Lakes Golf Club is a customer- and family-friendly environment. Refrain from using obscenities, being excessively loud, or otherwise engaging in inappropriate behavior.
  • Observe proper etiquette on and off the golf course and when present at any portion of the facility.
  • Show fellow golfers, visitors, and staff the utmost respect and dignity.
  • Do not waste time. Anticipate the club or clubs you may need and go directly to your ball. Always be near your ball to play promptly when it is your turn. Management requests that all players play “ready golf.”
  • The time required to “hole out” on and around the green is a chief cause of slow play. Study and clear the line of your putt while others are doing the same. Be ready to putt when it is your turn.
  • When approaching a green, park your golf car on the cart path on the best direct line to the next tee to save significant time. Never leave the golf car in front of the green, where you have to retrace your steps and get it while the following players wait for you to move on.
  • When a hole is played, leave the green promptly and proceed to the next tee without delay. Record the scoring for the completed hole while the others in your group are playing from the next tee.
  • Demonstrate an understanding that golfers and visitors have no authority to instruct staff in job performance and duties.
  • Be vigilant in reporting real or perceived safety hazards to staff or management.
  • Do not denigrate, talk down to, ridicule, or scream at fellow golfers, visitors, or staff members, and do not create unnecessary divisiveness in any way.
  • Do not misrepresent your position or authority to others.
  • Follow the published dress code.
  • Comply with all facility rules.
  • Comply with golf staff, pro shop staff, maintenance staff, and/or ABAC staff requests.
  • Do not interfere with the ability of customers and/or staff to use the golf course for its intended purpose.
  • Any customer or visitor who violates or fails to observe the Forest Lakes Golf Club Code of Conduct may be sanctioned as follows:
    • Issuance of a verbal warning.
    • Issuance of a written warning.
    • Suspension of his/her playing privileges for a defined period of time.
    • Permanent suspension of his/her playing privileges.
    • Revocation of his/her Annual Pass and/or Lifetime Pass without monetary reimbursement.
    • Removal from the facility.
    • Monetary restitution for damage to property.
    • Forfeiture of all fees paid.